It’s not so easy to get excited about the first few sentences, to be curious about what’s coming up and to arouse readers’ interest in a specific topic. This applies not only to newspaper articles and novels, but also to academic papers, such as a bachelor’s thesis. The introduction of a bachelor’s thesis should not only make you want to learn more about the topic and the research project, but also meet academic requirements. And just how that works is revealed here!

The hypothesis and research question of your bachelor’s thesis

The introduction of a bachelor’s thesis should account for about ten percent of the entire bachelor’s thesis. Compared to the main body, which accounts for about eighty percent, it is short. In other words, everything in the introduction of a bachelor’s thesis must be concise and precise. But what actually belongs in the introduction of a bachelor’s thesis? Just like every introduction, the introduction of a bachelor’s thesis introduces a specific topic. With regard to a bachelor’s thesis, however, the topic is not only limited and presented, but also explains why this topic is particularly relevant. It is helpful to refer to the current state of research and to incorporate current references. Likewise, in the introduction, a research question and a working hypothesis is presented in the context of the topic, which is to be discussed in the course of the bachelor’s thesis. This succeeds particularly well when various academic positions on the subject are touched on, presented and so focused that the need to discuss the question of research and the working hypothesis arises.

An overview of the working process and the result of your bachelor’s thesis

The introduction of the bachelor’s thesis also includes an outlook on how the research question should be answered in the course of the thesis. On the one hand, an overview of the structure of the bachelor’s thesis is provided. On the other hand, the working process as well as the various methods with which the research question should be tackled are stated and their reasons given. In a final step, students should address the goal of the research project and thus their bachelor’s thesis in the introduction. At this point, they have the opportunity to speculate on what the potential outcome of their academic journey might be. For two reasons, however, they should not anticipate this. On the one hand, it often only becomes apparent in the course of working on an academic topic whether or not the established hypothesis can be confirmed or revised. On the other hand, an anticipation of the result is not advisable either. After all, readers should be enthusiastic about the research project.

Because the introduction is a rough overview of the entire bachelor’s thesis, many students prefer not to write this at the beginning, but rather at the end. Others work from the front to the back and write a first version of the introduction right at the beginning, which they can then rework if necessary. Everyone has their own approach to doing so, and the only thing that matters is that the mentioned criteria are respected. If you have difficulty writing an introduction, you can also contact a ghostwriter for assistance.